Tuesday, August 28, 2007

9 Facts about Teddy Bear Hamsters

9 Facts about Teddy Bear Hamsters

  1. A Teddy Bear Hamster is a long haired version of the Syrian or Golden hamster.
  2. They are also referred to as fancy hamsters or angora hamsters
  3. Because of this long hair, they need to be brushed regularly - an activity that helps with handling and bonding with your pet.
  4. Their average life span is 2-2.5 years when they receive proper care.
  5. They need to live in solitude, one per cage - just like all Syrian hamsters.
  6. Their body size is usually 4 - 6 inches long, females tend to be slightly larger.
  7. Male teddy bear hamsters have longer hair than females.
  8. Hamsters in general often blink one eye at a time.
  9. Teddy Bear Hamsters are the cutest of all the hamsters.
To learn more about teddy bear hamsters, including how to care for them and train them check out The Essential Hamster Guide.


Unknown said...

all....my....friends.....know the low rider............low ri-duh! I'm a low rider!

rebecka said...
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rebecka said...

i love hamsters they are so k-ool you would fall in love with there eyes.

Tessa said...

2 of these are'nt even facts especially the nineth one you idot!And how dare you say that Teddy Bear hamsters are the cutest of all hamsters!!!I will never vist this site again!!!

Unknown said...
